Author:Janelle Bowden

Why Clinical Trials Matter to a Mum of Children with a Rare Disease

Today, May 20, is international clinical trials day - a time to celebrate all the stakeholders who oversee, fund, conduct, support and participate in clinical trials and create awareness about why clinical trials matter. [caption id="attachment_303" align="alignleft" width="220"] Photo by Ryan Clark - Clark Imagery ([/caption] Just last...


Using the James Lind scurvy trial to debunk 5 clinical trial myths

May 20 is International Clinical Trials Day. It celebrates the first recognised controlled clinical trial of modern times, where James Lind investigated potential cures of scurvy, and discovered the role of citrus fruits in curing it. It’s a useful trial to celebrate, not just because it...


Patient Experience Week: Let’s talk about the #PtExp in clinical trials

This week is Patient Experience week. It is an annual event, that was started by and inspired by members of the Beryl Institute community to celebrate healthcare staff impacting patient experience everyday. It's message is spreading globally, and for good reason.  It just makes sense for healthcare...